posting lagiii posting lagiiiiiiii(kaya lagu dangdut jadinya)

jiaa bangun pagi dah..

jam 9 menurut gw dah cukup pagi…

mengawali hari dengan bad mood tu bakal berpengaruh 4 the entire day u know…

so cheer up.. mood pagi tu suatu hal yang membangun mental lo di hari itu…

gw liat tipi, tiba2 smua channel gosip smua dah… yang gw baru tau bahsawanya olga dah punya pacar?? wow isnt that amazing?

ini jadi blog gosip gini yak..

oiye ada beberapa foto hasil session kmaren2…

just enjot it… hope y’all like it..

smile-onyet still there’s another photo



trying to understand…
withstand this bold feeling inside,

who would u choose? I feel adrift
far from what these soul belong…

I just don’t want to fall deeper
even its the only path that can make us even..



lagi di bengkel nunggu reni lagi di check up..

udah lama ga check up kasian…

lagian kaki kanan blakang nya juga rusak shock nya.. blm sempet ganti..
maaf ya ren km ku siksa trus..hihi skarang kan dirawat.. dibersihin,ganti oli, shock nya ntar yak.. blm ada duit ni..hihi jahat..

ujian asg


ujian analisis sinyal digital…

2 menit sbelum melihat soal..deg2an stengah idup..

stelah liat soal.. ctakk!! ada percikan ide dikepala.. smua soal udah terbanyang ni… udah ada ilustrasinya… ziiinggg… ada kali 5 menit bengong cuma mikirin sistematis pengerjaan nya gmn…

oke.. no.1

frekuensi aliasing…


mule nyut2an ni kepala.. ini konvolusi data input sama fungsi rectangle tapi fungsi rectangle nya ga enak bgt.. masa 1/3 gt..

okelah konvolusi dikerjakan cukup lama…
ngitung muluk ada brapa kali perkalian.. bikin rese dah..

udah beres no.2

beralih ke no.3
‘ya stengah jam lagi ya’
astagfirullah… panik..
bukan nya langsung ngerjain malah bengong..

liat ke kiri si fasri udah mo beres..
bodo ah kerjain sendiri aje..

dikerjain laa… karena auto korelasi jadi harusnya di itung stengah aja biar stengah nya ngikut.. soalnya pasti simetris..

pas liat si fasri ternyata doi ngitung smuanya..hahahaha

mo ngasi tau tapi dia dah tanggung gpp d.. ntar juga sadar sendiri..

beres lah no.3
‘yak 5 menit lagi’

yaolo no.4 belum sama skali lagi.. duh gmn ni?

akhirnya kursus kilat freehand method dikeluarkan…

asal gambar yang penting mirip… haahahah

berakhir dengan pundak pegel2 ngitung bejibun data korelasi…

remux redamz

kamis karoke ampe jam 12
sampe kosan jam stengah 1
jumat bangun jam 6
jam 8 futsal ampe jam 10
jam 12 soljum(ktiduran pas ceramah)
jam 1 ujian ampe jam 3
jam 3 ke rumah kopi ampe jam 6
makan jam stengah 8..
trus karoke lagi jam 10 ampe jam stengah 12
ampe kosan jam 1,copy foto
sabtu jam 3 pagi baru tdr
bangun jam 10
main bulutangkis jam stengah 1 ampe jam 3
ambil speda jam stengah 4 ampe jam stengah 5(nunggu bos nya dateng)
makan yamin jam stengah 6

badan remux redam…
2 hari, 2 kali olahraga, 2 kali makan.. cakeeepp…

service otak..

coba2 ngetes otak sang empunya blog.. hallah..

brain test

Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 61%
Visual : 38%
Left : 55%
Right : 45%

No matter which side of your brain is dominant,
M i n d W a r e
can strengthen your emotional brain power by helping you understand how
you feel about yourself.


‘oddy, you are mildly left-hemisphere dominant while showing a slight preference for auditory processing. This overall combination seems to indicate a well-working blend of logic and judgment and organization, with sufficient intuition, perception and creativity to balance that dominance.

You will at times experience conflict between how you feel and what you think which will generally be resolved in favor of what you think. You will find yourself interested in the practical applications of whatever material you have learned or whatever situation you face and will retain the ability to refine whatever knowledge you possess or aspects of whatever position you are in.

By and large, you will orient yourself toward intellectual activities and structure. Though not rigid, you will schedule yourself, plan, and focus on routine and continuity of operations, rather than on changes and disruptions

When changes or disruptions occur, you are likely to consider first how to ensure that such disruptions do The same balance is reflected in your sensory preference. You will tend to be reflective and measured in your interaction style. For the most part, you will be considered objective without being cold and goal-oriented while retaining the capacity to listen to others.

Preferentially you learn by listening and maintaining significant internal dialogues with yourself. Nevertheless, you have sufficient visualization capabilities to benefit from using graphs, charts, doodles, or even body movement to enhance your comprehension and memory.

To the extent that you are even implicitly aware of your hemispheric dominance and sensory style, you will feel most comfortable in those arenas which emphasize verbal skills and logic. Teaching, law, and science are those that stand out among the professions, along with technical sales and management.’